Under Dispensation: August 8, 2001
Chartered: May 21, 2002
Constituted: August 17, 2002
Founding Members
W. Bro. Dale Adams, Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 77 (*)
Bro. Wallace K. Aiken III, Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 (§)
W. Bro. William K. Bissey, North Park Lodge No. 646 (§)
W. Bro. David Bosworth, PM, Calvin W. Prather Lodge No. 717 (†)
W. Bro. Nathan C. Brindle, PM, Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 (§)
W. Bro. Jerry T. Cowley, PM, Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 (§) (†)
W. Bro. Howard A. Farrand, Centennial Lodge No. 541 (§)
W. Bro. James Guffey, PM, Millersville Lodge No. 126 (†)
W. Bro. Christopher L. Hodapp, PM, Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 (*)
W. Bro. Michael W. Klepper, PM, Morristown Lodge No. 193 (§)
M.W. Bro. Rodney A. Mann, Past Grand Master (2016-2017), Grand Lodge of Indiana (§)
W. Bro. Jeffrey D. Naylor, PM, Losantville Lodge No. 674 (*)
W. Bro. Irwin H. Sacks, PM, Monument Lodge No. 657 (§)
Bro. Travis G. Sandifur, Monroe Lodge No. 23 (§)
W. Bro. Eric T. Schmitz, PM, Monroe Lodge No. 23 (§)
W. Bro. Edward R. Smith, PM, Spencer Lodge No. 95 (*)(§)
W. Bro. John B. Stevens, PM, Grant Lodge No. 637 (§)
W. Bro. W. Keith Stiner, PM, Quincy Lodge No. 230 (*)
Bro. Louis P. Tompkins, Monroe Lodge No. 22 (§)
M.W. Bro. Roger S. VanGorden, Past Grand Master (2001-2002), Grand Lodge of Indiana (§)
Bro. Jack D. Weagley, McCulloch Lodge No. 737 (§)
W. Bro. Roderick V. Welker, PM, Jonesboro Lodge No. 109 (§)
W. Bro. Cleon H. Wright, PM, Eureka Lodge No. 397 (§)
(*) Denotes Past Master of Lodge Vitruvian. All other Past Masters are PMs by Affiliation
(§) Demitted
(†) Deceased
The First Meeting
The first meeting of Lodge Vitruvian was held on Tuesday, August 28, 6001 at the Broad Ripple Masonic Temple with 23 of 24 members in attendance, as well as one visitor. Following the presentation of the dispensation by R.W. Bro. Roger Van Gorden, Deputy Grand Master of Indiana, the Lodge was opened in form on the Master Mason Degree by the Master, W.Bro. Jeffrey Naylor. R.W. Bro. Van Gorden then installed the officers of the Lodge.
W. Bro. Naylor read a communication from W. Nelson King, President of the Philalethes Society, and passed along fraternal greetings from Fiat Lux Lodge #1717, F.A.A.M., Washington D.C., and from W. Rashied K.Sherriff Al Bey of New York. W. Bro. Naylor announced that the Holy Qur'an, opened on our altar, was courtesy of W. Bro. Al Bey, and that Bro. Nathan Brindle had donated the Tanach. Our thanks go to W. Bro. Al Bey, and we look forward to his visiting our Lodge sometime in the near future so that we can honor him properly for his kind gift to our Lodge.
Following the meeting, the Lodge then adjourned to the Corner Wine Bar and Wine Cellar, a fine local restaurant, where the Lodge enjoyed a traditional Festive Board. During the traditional Ceremony of the Seven Toasts, the Lodge passed the Box of Fraternal Assistance and collected nearly $150, which will go to the Indiana Masonic Home Foundation in the name of Lodge Vitruvian.
The First Festive Board