Welcome to Lodge Vitruvian #767

Free and Accepted Masons

About Us

What We Do

Lodge Vitruvian is holden under the charter of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, F&AM. Lodge Vitruvian operates under "The European Concept" as popularized by Lodge Epicurean in Australia, among others.


High standards are to be maintained by the Lodge in all its undertakings


Excellence in ritualistic work is a key pillar of the Lodge


The Lodge enjoys the fellowship of the Festive Board following all meetings

About Our Meetings

Our stated meetings begin at seven o'clock and are held quarterly on the 4th Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at Broad Ripple Masonic Lodge

1716 Broad Ripple Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

  • Visiting Brethren are welcomed and encouraged to enjoy the Vitruvian experience
  • No special permission is necessary or required. Simply notify the Secretary that you are planning to attend.
  • We request that visiting Brethren wear semi-formal attire (black suit) and bring their own white leather Apron (if possible). White gloves will be provided.
  • Keynote presentations and toasts are typically delivered at the Festive Board
  • Emergent meetings are planned to confer the Masonic Degrees

Our Concept

In addition to dignity, excellence, and fellowship, The European Concept is known for its dedication to a number of primary tenets

Initiatic Experience

The initiatic experience will have a sense of awe to our ceremonies

The Festive Board

The Lodge enjoys the fellowship of the Festive Board at a local restaurant following all regular and emergent meetings of the Lodge

Elegance of Dress

In the style of European Lodges, members are expected to dress properly in tuxedo, as well as a Lodge Apron and white gloves

Enlightening Education

Masonically-advanced educational presentations at every meeting from members or visitors

Lasting Friendship

A focus on smaller Lodge membership is optimal for the purpose of being able to know all of your Brothers

New Member Growth

A committment to advance Brethren through the Degrees by mutual and genuine effort

Charitable Outreach

At each of our meeting we emphasize fraternal assistance and charity participation

Return on Investment

The quality of the Lodge experience is equally reflected in the cost of membership

Visiting Speakers

At Lodge Vitruvian, we hold high standards for Masonic Education.
Below highlights the varienty of previous keynote presentations given by visitors and Lodge members at our Festive Board dinners.

The Craftsman, Warrior, and Magician in Freemasonry

Angel Millar

Masonic Author

Albert Pike's Esoterica: The Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry

Arturo de Hoyos

Grand Archiver and Grand Historian
Scottish Rite Freemasonry

De Grasse-Tilly and the Early Supreme Council, 1796 - 1802

Josef Wäges

Masonic Author

A Presentation on Esoterics in Freemasonry

Robert Johnson

Podcast Producer and Host
Managing Editor, The Midnight Freemason

Fair and Fowl Correspondences: Symbolism Within the Goose & Gridiron

Spencer Hamann

Past Master

A Presentation on Understanding Manhood in America

Robert Davis

Most Worshipful Grand Master of Oklahoma


Principal Lodge Officers for 2025

David Ross, PM

Worshipful Master

Email: wm@vitruvian.org

Christopher Ndife

Senior Warden

Email: sw@vitruvian.org

Todd Ebbert, PM

Junior Warden

Email: jw@vitruvian.org


If you would like additional information about our Lodge, please contact us directly


1716 Broad Ripple Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46220

